Forrest Cameranesi Geek of all Trades

Death and the Other World: Part 3

  1. In Death and the Other World: Part 3, as Virtuality collapses along with the rest of civilization, Xio rushes to rescue Met from it, preserving a tiny fragment of "hell" with her and anyone else he can manage to fit in it.
    1. In Episode 1, Xio rushes into Virtuality from the base of Starbridge America to save the Queen of Hell with his special administrative acccess as the entire World Ring collapses.
    2. In Episode 2, the Queen refuses Xio's rescue, so he sacrifices his physical life to save the tiny fragment of "hell" with her in it, and as many others as he can save too.
    3. In Episode 3, as the rest of Virtuality blinks out of existence, Xio promises those he has saved that he will do everything he can to make this slice of "hell" as good as possible.