Forrest Cameranesi Geek of all Trades

Death and the Other World: Part 1

  1. In Death and the Other World: Part 1, Tom is a part of a network of curious users who stalk a living doppleganger of the Queen of Hell in real life, only to discover it's definitely not the same person.
    1. In Episode 1, rumors begin to circulate of a real-world doppleganger of the Queen of Hell who largely avoids the virtual world thanks to her constant case of mistaken identity.
    2. In Episode 2, a loose network of still-embodied Virtuality users, including Tom, covertly stalk the Queen's doppleganger, finding that she lives on the Open Palm spacestation.
    3. In Episode 3, Tom and other similar users finally find opportunity to meet the Queen's doppleganger when she starts a touring business, only to find she knows nothing of the Queen.